Statement of Intent


L/O: to produce a concise and well-structured statement of intent for chosen brief

Music Video
With the music video, I intend to represent the class divide in favour of those who are less fortunate. In doing so, I fit the Forgotten Friends in with other alternative bands who are anti-establishment. One way in which to display this is through the divided environments. The 'rich/conservative' character will be displayed to be living a lifestyle in the countryside, where as the less fortunate character will be seen to be in an urban environment that is more 'rough'. The intertextuality will heavily imply that the 'rich' character is a member of the conservative party, which would be of interest to the upmarket media literate audience as they would have an interest in politics. In order to further display this divide, the urban environment would feature a desaturated colour palette, where as the rural area would utilise an incredibly saturated colour palette. 


On the website to promote the release of the EP, I would instead have band members portraying their characters. This would further reinforce the ideals of the EP which displays the large gap between the working class and the upper class.  The banner for the website would be an intertextual reference to the conservative party's logo, as it would feature a massive tree that has been edited to be burning. As you scroll down through the website, you are introduced to the "Characters" of this story. The EP tells a story of a working class girl and her struggles as she watches those in power live a life of doing very little while reaping the benefits. 


Easter eggs that reference the website in music video, band logo. Home Page fits one aesthetic, Store Page fits another, duality/juxtaposition. 


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