
Progress Update: 08/02/24
I've utilised Wix's hoverbox feature in order to hide certain details unless you specifically hover your mouse over it. For example, the red "They lied" in the first set of images and the red "Really!?" in the second set of images. I feel that this captures the essence of an Indie Band to do things differently, as well as weaving the intended negative narrative towards the Conservatives into my website product.

Website Update: 05/04/2024

Band Website

New website look, more traditional look at the band

Custom Poster For Music Video

Didn't end up using at the original version of the website did not fit with the brief so I scrapped it because I had to recast the politician anyway. 

Progress Update: 20/04/24

Second page is now complete, with videos uploaded. Just need to add the finishing adjustments and touches to first page.

Progress Update: 21/04/24
Website is now complete

Second page has remained unchanged, the first page has had band descriptions added to it with a parody element in order to 


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